Due Date Automation for Task

edited 02/23/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Hello ,

I have sheet with the following : Task Name , Task Description , TaskOwner , TaskManager, TaskDueDate , TaskStatus Dropdowns list ( Not started , Completed) By default is "Not started"

I need to notify the owner 10 days before the due date to update the status to "completed"

- if the status is not completed within 10 days two reminders to owner will be shared between the due date d+3 then d+6 to due date

-if Task is completed no reminder is required

-if Task completed the notification is sent to TaskManager for information


  • Jaime Elizabeth
    Jaime Elizabeth ✭✭✭✭✭


    You can do this easily using Automations found at the top of the sheet and then select "Manage workflows".

    Once in the workflow screen, select the Trigger "When date is reached" and the column name for your due date.

    Quick note, the options only allow you to go up to 6 days then it switched to weeks. If you need 10 specifically (which it didn't seem like you do) then you'd need a helper column (let me know if you need guidance there).

    Under Conditions set it to not send if your Status column says Complete.

    Then for the action select Request an update. If you have the owner in the column you can select "Send to a contact in a cell" and select that column name. You can then set up the options to have a specific subject line, message, and fields you want them to update. (Note: You can put the column names in curly brackets such as {{Task Name}} and it will show up in the subject line and/or message.)

    Here's a screenshot which similar (but different column names). Let me know if anything doesn't make sense or if you need more guidance.