Automation wont run on a blank sheet

Hi, I have a sheet that collects data from several forms. I have an automation that kicks off every Thursday at 5:00 AM to move all the data in the sheet to an archive sheet, I have another automation that is supposed to kick off at 8:00 on Thursday to check if the column is blank, then alert someone via an email to enter new data. The 8:00 automation is not working with the blank sheet, even if I click "Run Now" it still won't work. If I manually enter data and click "Run Now" the automation works. My question is: Why won't it work on an empty sheet?

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If the sheet is empty, then it has nothing to trigger it. If there are no rows with data in them, there are no rows for the sheet to evaluate whether or not a specific column is empty. You will need at least one row with data in at least one column.

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