Graphs giving different values

Pamela Wagner
Pamela Wagner ✭✭✭✭✭✭

I'm sure this is super simple but myself and a colleague could not figure it out. I have some very simple data I need graphed for a project: Not Started, In Progress, Complete and then % Complete using the total. The pie chart for the Not Started etc. comes out correct:

But when I ask it to graph just % complete, it does not:

Here is the master data:

No matter what, the percent complete should be 14% as it's Completed / Total *100. So why is the second chart showing 12%? (The top pie chart is using the first 3 entries in the master data; the bottom chart is using the Completed and Total data)

Best Answer

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Pamela Wagner

    I think the final sentence in your question, is the answer.

    In your first graph you are plotting Not Started (253/253+5+41 aka 253/299), In Progress (5/299), and Completed (41/299). Completed is 14%. All good.

    In your second graph you are plotting Completed (41/(41+299) ) and Total (299/41+299). Completed is 12%.

    When selecting the data to chart you need to select each pie piece and the graph will figure out the whole. So when you chose 252 and 5 and 41 you got three pie pieces and the full pie is the sum of those pieces - 299. When you chose 41 and 299 you got two pie pieces, and the full pie is 340.

    If you want a graph with just completed and not completed you need to add a "Not Completed" data point to your master data (you can use a formula to make this Total minus Completed, or Not Started plus In Progress). Then when you select data for your chart choose the two pie pieces "Completed" and "Not Completed".


  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Pamela Wagner

    I think the final sentence in your question, is the answer.

    In your first graph you are plotting Not Started (253/253+5+41 aka 253/299), In Progress (5/299), and Completed (41/299). Completed is 14%. All good.

    In your second graph you are plotting Completed (41/(41+299) ) and Total (299/41+299). Completed is 12%.

    When selecting the data to chart you need to select each pie piece and the graph will figure out the whole. So when you chose 252 and 5 and 41 you got three pie pieces and the full pie is the sum of those pieces - 299. When you chose 41 and 299 you got two pie pieces, and the full pie is 340.

    If you want a graph with just completed and not completed you need to add a "Not Completed" data point to your master data (you can use a formula to make this Total minus Completed, or Not Started plus In Progress). Then when you select data for your chart choose the two pie pieces "Completed" and "Not Completed".

  • Pamela Wagner
    Pamela Wagner ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    In the deep recesses of my mind I did what you suggested before! It works. Thanks so much!

  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad I could help! Have a great weekend.