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Move Attachments to Rows

It would greatly increase efficiency if we could move attachments between rows by drag and dropping them. Please let me know if this is something that can be added.

27 votes

On Wishlist · Last Updated

We love this idea too! While it's not a part of our current plan, this is exactly the kind of thing our team is thinking about every day. If we believe we can make this idea a reality, we'll plan to update the status here.


  • Martha Hemingway
    Martha Hemingway ✭✭✭✭✭

    It would be great to have a way to move an attachment that is stored at a row level on a sheet between rows instead of having to delete and reattach.

  • Ugh yes it drives me crazy! A quick drag and drop would be so functional and an easy add.

  • We often find that files may be better suited in a different row than what they were originally uploaded in. Is is possible to move files from row to row, rather than having to download, delete, and then reupload.

  • sbearss
    sbearss ✭✭

    Ideally one source document is uploaded and then it can be linked/referenced/removed in one or more rows. This maintains one copy and prevents the headache of having multiple copies of the same file over multiple rows.

    As a workaround you could create a column called "Attachment(s)" and copy/paste URLs of the cloud docs there.

    Agreed the current Attachment tool is a little clunky and difficult to manage.

  • It would be extremely beneficial to be able to move attachments from one row to another row with some sort of drag and drop. I can't figure out how to move it other than to download it, delete it, and then reattach it it the row I want it in. Such a pain! We have a LOT of documents that are submitted by users, that then need to be attached to the appropriate location and this is a cumbersome task as it is currently set up.

  • Laura Bell
    Laura Bell ✭✭✭✭✭

    Please make it possible to move an attachment from one row to another. This would be extremely helpful.