Dashboard widget titles - can you reference sheet cells or summary field values

Hi all,

I am presenting three pie charts whose values come from a meta sheet that provides monthly totals automatically each month. So for example below shows what I have put in place. The dates are pulled as metrics from the meta sheet, but I am unhappy with the whitespace this creates. Being able to reference the value within the title of the metric widget would be so much neater.


  • Ric T
    Ric T ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Simon Cowx,

    It is a Smartsheet limitation when it comes to title of widgets, don't think there is way to link sheet cells or summary fields (would be great if I'm corrected). The alternative I can think of is using a scatter type chart. It'll be a different way of looking at 'parts-to-whole relationship' from your pie charts, but reduces the white space, consolidates your data into one widget, and shows a change-over-time relationship too.



  • Simon Cowx
    Simon Cowx ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Ric, Thanks for this suggestion, giving new thinking to what I'm wanting to present.
