Delayed Form Submissions

Hello, I have a team of employees who all submit data using the same form via the Smartsheet mobile app. One particular user's submissions tend to not populate until the next morning and I haven't been able to identify anything they are doing differently. All employees are on the same company mobile account and cellular data permission is turned on. Any ideas?


  • AravindGP
    AravindGP Community Champion

    Hi @Andrew Bostwick

    Have you allowed for the user to get a copy of their submission? If yes, do they get the confirmation of submission immediately but there's a delay in the data appearing in Smartsheet? It could show a different date due to the time of submission. Though Smartsheet shows data based on the logged in users' selected time zone, in the backend, it is configured to be linked to GMT.


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445
