Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Can someone help me with the IF/THEN formula?

I have a sheet that has a column with a total score. If the score is between the ranges below I want a new column to reflect the label of met, partially met or did not meet.

Scoring Ranges and Criteria

301-500 = Met 

101-300 = Partially Met

less than 100 = Did Not Meet


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Chrisanthi Linberg

    This is my understanding. The score is one column and the criteria you want to return is a seperate column. If this correct try the formula below

    =IF(Score@row > 300, "Met", IF(Score@row > 100, "partially met", IF(Score@row > 1, "Did Not Meet")))


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    Meg Young Certified in Core Product, Project Management, and System Administration

  • Hi Meg - thank you for this help. I entered the formula and am getting the below message. I'm not good with formulas at all so I'm sure it's me.

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