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RFP Template from a Procurement Point of View


It would be super helpful if an RFP template was created from a Procurement Point of View. I'm willing to work with your product team if necessary. Basically, you would need:

  1. Criteria Scorecard with Criteria in Primary Column and Vendors 1-10 in columns to the right of it. A form that is already pre-filled with Questions 1-20 so the form can be sent to the vendor and we can collect their answers on this scorecard comparing all of them. Questions can be listed as Q1-, Q2-, etc for people to fill in.
  2. Participant Grid sheets to grade each Vendor by the same Criteria, scoring 1-3. 1=Does not meet requirement or does little to meet requirement; 2=Meets requirement; 3=Exceeds requirement
  3. All Participant Grid Sheets would roll up to a Metric Grid Sheet where Vendors would be in the Primary Column and the columns to the right would have 5 Participants listed out to the right. References are inserted to each cell to sum up the Vendor column from each participant sheet. Then at the end you would have a column that lists how many participants are reviewing. For each vendor a total score would be added up and divided by how many people are judging.
  4. A dashboard that links out to each vendor and their overall score, along with criteria etc would be able to be viewed.
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