Formulas and Functions

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Need Help with IF and IFERROR

edited 03/14/24 in Formulas and Functions


I have the IF part of the statement working just fine

=IF([NEXT Month Quarterly from Today]@row = [NEXT Month Quarterly Due Number]@row, "Yes", "No") - basically it is evaluating if the next month from today is the same month as when the next maintenance is due. In rows where there is not yet data I am getting INVALID DATA TYPE error, so I would like those cells to say "No Data Yet".

I have tried to combine these two functions several ways and I'm just not getting it correct. Can someone please help?





  • Community Champion

    Hi @Ashley McAdoo

    The syntax to add IFERROR is

    =IFERROR(IF([NEXT Month Quarterly from Today]@row = [NEXT Month Quarterly Due Number]@row, "Yes", "No"), "No Data Yet")

    This will remove any error messages. However, in your case, you might want to use ISDATE instead. Your formula will return Yes if both cells are blank and No if one is blank and the other is not. As this is not an error, the "No Data Yet" message won't appear.

    If you use ISDATE, you can check both cells have dates in and return the message if they do not. The formula for that is:

    =IF(AND(ISDATE([NEXT Month Quarterly from Today]@row), ISDATE([NEXT Month Quarterly Due Number]@row)), IF([NEXT Month Quarterly from Today]@row = [NEXT Month Quarterly Due Number]@row, "Yes", "No"), "No Data Yet")

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