Combine Contacts from multiple columns into a single cell
Allowing contact columns to be combined into a multi-select contact column would make team management and index sheets much more useful.
If Columns 2 through 10 on my sheet are all contact columns, a formula like =Contact2@row + Contact3@row + Contact6@row should produce a multicontact cell, not a text cell.
That would open the door to making a contact table across teams and departments such that you can easily update multiple index groups with a single entry when there is turnover of an individual.
Ex. columns
Group # | Manager | HR | Finance | Sales | Admin | Operations | Marketing | IT | Design
Group 1...
Group 2...
Group 3...
Ex. Formulas
Ideas Index = Sales@row + Marketing@row + Design@row
Budget Index = Manager@row + Finance@row + Sales@row + Operations@row
Website Index = Marketing@row + IT@row + Design@row