Accessing timelines when someone is out of office?

If a team member is out of the office, is there a way for an Admin to gain access/grant access to that vacationer's timeline so another team member can pick up where they left off?


  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    When you say "timeline", are you referring to a team member's tasks in a project plan, their workload in Resource Management, or what exactly do you mean? If you're able to share a screenshot (with sensitive data redacted) and further context, that would help assess how access may work in your particular situation.

  • Hi @brianschmidt - by timeline I'm referring to the project plan owned by a team member who goes on vacation that may not have granted access to a covering team member. In a situation like that, I was hoping that someone with Admin rights to the company's account would be able to search for the project and grant access to a covering team member who would be managing the project plan (change dates, durations, insert tasks, etc.) while the vacationer is away.

  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Gotcha! The only way I know to get access to unshared sheets as an admin is through the User Management page of the Admin Center. By clicking the three dots next to someone's name, you can "Transfer Owner Permissions". The downside here is that, though they retain admin access, it transfers "ownership" of ALL of their currently owned assets (sheets, dashboards, etc.) to the email you plug in to transfer ownership. So, it doesn't materially affect what they can do in and with those sheets, just something to bear in mind when transferring ownership.

    I think, however, a way to transfer ownership of individual smartsheet items would be a great feature. To officially suggest this product improvement, here's some information on how to do so:

    Hope this helps!:)