iPhone issues with viewing attachments

Hi, noted yesterday initially members of our team using iPhone's cant view attachments on their phones. Android seems to be unaffected, has anyone else experienced this and is there an easy solution?

thank you

Best Answer

  • New Glass
    New Glass
    Answer ✓

    Hi Connor,

    I also have users that are reporting this issue with iPadOS. The initial report I received was yesterday morning as well.

    We've already pushed OS updates to their iPads and applied any available updates for the Smartsheet mobile app but the issue remains. I even had them log into Smartsheet in a web browser and the icons still didn't appear.

    I've just opened a support case and if we find an answer I'll post the solution here.

    Good luck!


  • New Glass
    New Glass
    Answer ✓

    Hi Connor,

    I also have users that are reporting this issue with iPadOS. The initial report I received was yesterday morning as well.

    We've already pushed OS updates to their iPads and applied any available updates for the Smartsheet mobile app but the issue remains. I even had them log into Smartsheet in a web browser and the icons still didn't appear.

    I've just opened a support case and if we find an answer I'll post the solution here.

    Good luck!