Smartsheet Comments tags person in Slack

Emily T.
Emily T. ✭✭✭✭
edited 03/19/24 in Add Ons and Integrations


I've seen the articles about having slack send messages to a channel. To send a direct slack to someone, I figured out that by adding a contact with their customized email address found in slack.... example will allow me to do update requests directly to that person's slack channel and send them an email. But I seem to have an issue drawing up that contact if I want to tag them in a comment in Smartsheets. Is this even possible?




  • Humashankar
    Humashankar ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Emily T.

    Just simplifying the use case to understand it better,

    You are trying to @mention someone in a Smartsheet comment who has a Slack email address, but you're unable to add them as a contact in Smartsheet right ?

  • Emily T.
    Emily T. ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Humashankar - I can add them as a contact in Smartsheet but when I make a comment, it will not allow me to @mention them. I just found out that this cannot be done.

    There currently isn't a way to have the Smartsheet notification sent to Slack automatically @mention a specific person within the information sent. You will want to start a thread in Slack under the specific form response and @mention the user manually in a comment.

  • Humashankar
    Humashankar ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Emily T. Thanks for digging into this! - Yes, we need to manually @mention the user in a comment in Slack after starting a thread under the specific form response.
