Datatable Filter Question on dates

I am trying to construct a filter that will filter my data based on a date field, that will show data that is between 30 and 60 days from todays date but I am really struggling to create a filter that actually works.

I have tried using date is in the past and adding criteria to filter out the desired data but I still get 0 results, I have used the less than (days) and greater than (days) filters but I can never quite get it right, anyone have any hints?


  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Matthewrh,

    If you're looking to do 30 to 60 days in the future, a filter like this should do it (obviously substitute your date column for the Date one if necessary):

    If you're wanting it in the past, it is very similar:

    Hope this helps, but if I've misunderstood something or you've any problems/questions then let us know!

  • Matthewrh
    Matthewrh ✭✭✭

    Sorry I should have been clearer, I am trying to filter the data via the datashuttle connector which for some reason does not allow that logic, the only logic with (days) is these two:

    So I can filter it after it hits the sheet but then I have all sorts of issues with the huge dataset I am working with being bigger than the limits of the smartsheet which is frustrating, I am going to have to use specific date ranges to get the filters that I want over multiple smartsheets which is challenging.

  • SmartWay360
    SmartWay360 ✭✭✭✭

    Matthewrh What about creating "helper" column that will calculate if row fulfill your condition and then the filter will be easy.



  • Matthewrh
    Matthewrh ✭✭✭

    so the problem is the dataset in the data table is greater than the limits on the smartsheet so I cannot get the complete data set on to a smart sheet to be able to apply filters to it, being able to filter the data contained in the datatable before it is added to the smartsheet is really the only solution thats going to work or a fixed set of date ranges and dedicated smartsheet for each filtered dataset