Projects deleted via Control Center still showing in Browse window

edited 03/21/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I deleted a number of projects via control center and all seemed to work as expected. The projects no longer appear in Control Center, on the Intake sheet, or the Portfolio Summary sheet. The project do still appear in my homepage in the Browse column. When I try to select the project in the browse window there is no workspace there - and there shouldn't be because it was deleted.

My question is: did I miss a step? Has anyone seen this issue?


  • brianschmidt
    brianschmidt ✭✭✭✭✭

    When you click on the project on the homepage, will they successfully open? I've never had this happen, but I assume they will not be able to open.

    We had a consulting team initially help us get set up with Control Center. Their instruction to us was to delete a project in this order:

    1. Delete the workspace and/or folder from projects workspace.
    2. Delete the project from the intake sheet.
    3. Delete the project from the portfolio summary sheet.
    4. Delete the project from control center.

    Following that order, I've not yet encountered what you're describing.

    Hope this helps!:)