Smartsheet basics

Hi all, I would really appreciate if someone could please help me with my questions

  1. Is it possible to track the duration of time taking to complete the Smartsheet form?
  2. Is it possible to make "Send my responses" checkbox field at the end of the survey to be checked by default or to make it required? (Because my system admin has restricted to send automatic email alerts using contacts column field in the sheet and I am looking for alternative ways)
  3. If it is possible to make "Send my responses" checkbox field at the end of the survey to be checked by default, will the email address entered in the same form be prepopulated here?

Any alternative workarounds or suggestion would be highly appreciated. Thank you!


  • Scott Orsey
    Scott Orsey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/21/24

    Hi @Mounika , You've hit the trifecta of "No". Sorry I don't have different news for you.

    Your first question is intriguing. I've never thought of that. Perhaps submit it as an product enhancement idea. The best you can get is to know when the form was submitted (use the system "Created Date"), but I don't know of a way to find out when the form was started.

    Regarding questions 2 and 3. You can find out who submitted the form by going to the settings for the form and clicking:

    Then all you need to to is make sure you have the system column "Created By" in your sheet. The email of the person who completed the form will show up.

    Hope this helps.

    Be well

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  • Mounika
    Mounika ✭✭✭

    Hi @Scott Orsey

    Thank you for responding. But, I have field for Email address within the form, and I wanna send an automated email alert with the submitted answers, without having the participant clicking the checkbox at the bottom (send my responses)

  • Scott Orsey
    Scott Orsey ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Mounika , sorry... that's just a limitation if you can't send automated alerts or update requests.

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  • Mounika
    Mounika ✭✭✭

    Thank you@Scott Orsey

    Any idea of the tools that could support such type of automations? Like sending automatic emails after form submission?

  • Scott Orsey
    Scott Orsey ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Mounika , sorry... I don't have much else, if you can't send alerts or update request automations. We've used the Docusign integration to request an electronic signature on data from a form that has been submitted. Seems like overkill for your situation, but I think it would accomplish what you are trying to do.

    Good luck and be well

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