How can I get all my bars to be the same color, without manually changing each one?

edited 03/22/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I am looking to have all the tiles in each row be the same colors without manually changing each one. Do you know if this is possible? I need to keep the category names the same and when I hover over each tile it tells me which test number is in each stage.


  • Scott Orsey
    Scott Orsey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/26/24

    Hi @hmarti , Sorry... I don't think you can do what you'd like to do. Instead of using a stacked bar chart, I have another idea that could look nice on your dashboard and wouldn't need you to hover. In your main sheet, you could add a column that "merges" all of the values from each test. Something like:

    MergedValue=If([Test 1]@row = 1,"Test 1","") + " " + If([Test 2]@row = 1,"Test 2","") + " " + If([Test 3]@row = 1,"Test 3","") + " " ... + If([Test 10]@row = 1,"Test 10","")

    (the JOIN() function may also be helpful)

    Then you could could create a report with two columns... Status and MergedValue. You could then put that on the dashboard and you would have all of the tests that are appropriate for each status in a table. Maybe not as colorful, but definitely as informative.

    I hope this is helpful. Be well

    If my response was helpful or answered your question please be sure to upvote it, mark it asawesome, or mark it as the accepted answer!

  • Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. I took the time to follow your formula, although it did work, I was hoping for a more impactful visual. I have 7 of these charts to make and its important that we can compare across all 7 to look at progress.