Amending a fillable PDF

Mel_Barnes ✭✭
edited 03/25/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I have a workflow that generates a project charter in PDF from the row data. The charter is subject to an approval process. If "declined", is there a way that the PDF can be amended at a later date by the Project Manager?

Best Answer

  • Scott Orsey
    Scott Orsey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    HI @Mel_Barnes , So, what are your thoughts about the first suggestion I made? You could have a workflow that generates the document after the Project Manager has indicated that they have completed their edits. Then you would trigger the whole process to get approvals, etc. again. All you would need is a field that you know the PM would change to a specified value and trigger your generate documents from that. Would this work?

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  • Scott Orsey
    Scott Orsey ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/25/24

    HI @Mel_Barnes , The answer depends on what you want to do.

    It is possible to regenerate the same PDF again using updated data from the row. In this case the PDF will show as V2 and you can click on the version and see the history. One caveat on this approach is that either 1) the project manager would need to be a licensed user and know how to generate documents or 2) you'd need to create an automation triggered by some action by the Project Manage that would regenerate the document. In a use case that we have, we wait until all approvals have been received before generating the document to avoid this situation.

    If instead you want the Project Manager to "edit" the pdf, they could download the document and make their edits. Then they can save and upload it to the row. Assuming they kept the same name, this would show as V2 and you would see the history.

    Do one of these scenarios meet your need?

    Be well

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  • Hi Scott - so we would generate a charter from the intake sheet row. This would go to a Project Sponsor for approval and then to our Programme Manager where it relates to a Strategic Project, who again requires to approve. If the charter is deemed "incomplete", we would need the Project Manager to update the necessary fields (I can do this via a workflow that will send them a message and link the intake sheet fields) and they would then update these and it would regenerate the document. The Managers updating the fields would not be licenced users though although the document would generate from a workflow that sees a line being added/amended.

  • Scott Orsey
    Scott Orsey ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    HI @Mel_Barnes , So, what are your thoughts about the first suggestion I made? You could have a workflow that generates the document after the Project Manager has indicated that they have completed their edits. Then you would trigger the whole process to get approvals, etc. again. All you would need is a field that you know the PM would change to a specified value and trigger your generate documents from that. Would this work?

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