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Enhancement Request: Allow Wrap to be turned on in Reports

J. Craig Williams
J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I often come across columns in a Report that I would like see with Wrap turned on.

These are sometimes (usually) columns/cells that I do NOT want to turn Wrap on for the source Sheets.

Reports inherit their formatting from the underlying Sheets* and I realize this may be a difficult change to implement. However, I also believe there have been requests to have more user-configuration available on the Report side.

The ability to further add formatting or overriding existing formatting in the Report would be a separate request.

For my needs here, all I want to do is set the Wrap On or Off using the Column Context Menu.

For many of the times I would have liked to have this feature, changing the Wrap on the source sheet would be aesthetically unappealing. 

A specific example, I create a row that has development notes and documentation**. The text can be quite long. I do not want to wrap the text in the source sheet because the column may be very narrow which results in an extremely tall row.


* I believe the Report Formatting has a bug, but I have not seen it in a while because (perhaps) I have simplified the formatting I use in Sheets. Or it was fixed. Or it never was a bug..

** This is also an additional feature request - the ability to hide rows and I know I can create a hierarchy and collapse it. Sometimes even Admins mess up by overwriting formulas inadvertently.

This request has also be posted to the Form



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