Chart missing client name as legends


I am having issues charting 3 metrics in a scatter chart for our dashboard.

Customer Name - Units required - Year commencing.

My units [MV] are vertical, [COD Start] is horizontal BUT my customer name [Primary Row] is not showing as legends. The plotting is correct and this is how i want to vizualise the data.

Any helps would be great appreciated

Many thanks

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Laura G

    If I'm understanding you correctly, you would like your chart to look more like this:

    If so, in order for the legend to pick up your Text labels, these will actually need to be your column headers. I've created the graph above with a set-up like this:

    The Year is the Primary column going down, then the Labels I want are the column titles, and the values to plot are in those columns based on the year.

    I added in the "-" column with 0 values and no label so that none of the blank cells show as plot points on the graph. I hope this helps!



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