Workflow Alert Not working

I have setup a workflow and are not receiving the alert notification as setup. This is as simple as it gets and I have this same setup on other sheets without any problem. Please advise?

Best Answer

  • KempenUSA
    KempenUSA ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I was able to fix this problem. I have the Trigger set as "When rows are changed" and therefore the system will only send out a notification when an "existing" row has changed. However, if you want to receive a notification when a row is added you have to select the Trigger as "When rows are added or changed". Sometimes is the simple things that can trip us....


  • KempenUSA
    KempenUSA ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I was able to fix this problem. I have the Trigger set as "When rows are changed" and therefore the system will only send out a notification when an "existing" row has changed. However, if you want to receive a notification when a row is added you have to select the Trigger as "When rows are added or changed". Sometimes is the simple things that can trip us....