Smartsheet Slow and Nearly Unusable?

Ross Novotny
Ross Novotny ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 04/12/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Over the past 3 weeks or so, Smartsheet is becoming extremely slow and almost unusable for myself and my clients. Login takes several minutes. Last week, it took me 45 minutes to login. The sheets we are trying to access are reasonable size, 100-500 rows, 10-20 columns. I just hit refresh on a sheet and it took about 10 minutes to reload. I've logged a ticket with smartsheet support, but they rarely respond. Anyone else having this issue?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I had a minor slowdown yesterday, but I think I had too many windows open and whatnot. That's about it though. Are any other websites slowing down for you, or just Smartsheet?

  • Ross Novotny
    Ross Novotny ✭✭✭✭✭

    Its just been Smartsheet. No other sites have given me trouble. Same thing happening for my Smartsheet clients.

  • My company has also noticed a significant slowdown on sheets, especially saving, opening and filtering during the last few weeks.

  • jsong
    edited 04/22/24

    is Smartsheet aware of this lag issue and working to resolve it? It's a serious problem. I'm experiencing same lag issues as @Ross Novotny

  • Ross Novotny
    Ross Novotny ✭✭✭✭✭

    @jsong I notified them, but never got a response. For me smartsheet has been faster this past week, so hopefully it was a relatively small episode.

  • I've also experienced extremely slow and almost unusable sheets on Smartsheet. It's my second week I experience this. I even deleted some of my older sheets, without any luck.

  • I am really frustrated, long time user and love the program but this issue is killing me. Sometimes I just have to give up trying to get my sheets to open. I don't see any advise on the site on how to remedy the problem. I was told that I had an older subscription & I need to upgrade, did that and now I am paying twice as much for the same problem. I have spoken to someone is sales and they created an appointment for a support member to do a phone call, I waited the day the appointment was scheduled and no one ever contacted me. Once I finish these 2 projects I will probably start looking for another similar program. 😕

  • We have been experiencing slow response when updating rows with dates and then when overall refresh of sheet after saving. Submitted a support ticket. This is getting very frustrating as our sheets are used by multiple people and need to be refreshed. There is a session token that occurs during refresh that seems to be slowing things down.