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Using CountIFs with cross reference and multiple criteria


I am looking for some assistance on a formula. I have a Master Sheet and a Helper Sheet. I am trying to calculate the number of specific events associated with a person within a date range utilizing cross-sheet reference.

I have tried multiple formulas, but not having any luck

=COUNTIFS({Sample Master Type}, "New Patient [1003]", {Sample Empanelment Reports_combined Range 1}, "Haynes, John Harlan, MD", (DATE), AND((IFERROR((MONTH(@cell), 0) = 1, IFERROR(*YEAR(@Cell), 0) = 2024)

I am looking to count the number of events with a specific type, assigned to a specific individual, during January 2024.

Here is sample information from the Master Sheet.

Based on the PCP, Visit Date, and Type, I would like to have a total count on the helper sheet.

Any help would be appreciated.



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