Collecting/Counting Data from Multiple Cells/Columns

Good morning,

I'm using a formula to capture the total amount of "Extremely Satisfied", "Very Satisfied", and "Satisfied" in the "Satisfaction with level of technical knowledge" column for each quarter.

=COUNTIFS({Satisfaction with level of technical knowledge}, "Extremely Satisfied", {CY & Q}, "2024-Q1")

What I'm trying to do is capture all of the "Extremely Satisfied", "Very Satisfied", and "Satisfied" across all three columns for each quarter.

Ie. 2024-Q1 has two "Extremely Satisfied"

2023-Q4 has three "Very Satisfied"

Below is how our data is captured - these totals are only pulling from the "Satisfaction with level of technical knowledge", but I need the totals for all three columns

Can you help?

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Brittaney Pizzato,

    You would do it as three separate COUNTIFS added together.

    You can make things easier for writing the formulas by having the Quarter/Year be formatted the same in both sheets. This would remove the need to change it so you would end up with a formula like this which you could then make a column formula:

    =COUNTIFS({Satisfaction with level of technical knowledge}, "Extremely Satisfied", {CY & Q}, [Quarter / Year]@row)+COUNTIFS({Satisfaction with customer service received}, "Extremely Satisfied", {CY & Q}, [Quarter / Year]@row)+COUNTIFS({Satisfaction with dynamic systems}, "Extremely Satisfied", {CY & Q}, [Quarter / Year]@row)

    Hope this helps, but if I've misunderstood anything or you still have problems/questions then let us know!


  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Brittaney Pizzato,

    You would do it as three separate COUNTIFS added together.

    You can make things easier for writing the formulas by having the Quarter/Year be formatted the same in both sheets. This would remove the need to change it so you would end up with a formula like this which you could then make a column formula:

    =COUNTIFS({Satisfaction with level of technical knowledge}, "Extremely Satisfied", {CY & Q}, [Quarter / Year]@row)+COUNTIFS({Satisfaction with customer service received}, "Extremely Satisfied", {CY & Q}, [Quarter / Year]@row)+COUNTIFS({Satisfaction with dynamic systems}, "Extremely Satisfied", {CY & Q}, [Quarter / Year]@row)

    Hope this helps, but if I've misunderstood anything or you still have problems/questions then let us know!

  • @Nick Korna - This worked for me. Thank you for your help!

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