We completed an account consolidation/merge. Users are reporting lost access to historical sheets?

We completed the consolidation steps (send invite to other system admin), but it appears that only some of the sheets that existed before have moved over. It has been over 24 hrs. I have not been able to find information on this and we are struggling to find our missing files which are critical for our clients. SOS!


  • Hi @jmcspendmend

    There are a few possibilities here!

    • It can sometimes take up to 10 minutes for Search to show you newly created or shared items in your Smartsheet plan.
    • Try fully logging out of Smartsheet then logging in again to refresh your account.
    • If you're still not seeing expected Smartsheet sheets after this, double check with the original owner/admin of the items that the correct email addresses have been shared. Can anyone else on your plan see the sheets?

    If none of this has helped, please contact Smartsheet Support.



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