Hello. Often tools will offer a friendly URL option. We are using Smartsheet's form feature and sometimes need to share the URL in print. This doesn't work so well with the URLs in their current state. Could we please have a friendly URL option? Many URL-generating tools offer this. Thank you for your consideration.
It would be great to edit the form URL.
We had a form that was created and Custom QR codes printed (static QR code). A team member deleted the form and now the link will not work.
Is there a way to change the URL of a form or forward the original URL to the new form. I was unable to restore the original deleted form.
Could be more useful if there is a feature to customize the outward facing link.
The URL "smartsheet.com/randomized-string" isn't ideal from a branding standpoint. I'd like to be able to customize it to something that the user would associate with my company.
Hi, I agree, this would help improve the Smartsheet User Experience.
This is a great idea, an option to edit the URL would be very helpful.
I agree! A shorter URL would certainly enhance the user experience.