Here is the use case:
Smartsheet A: Lists selected clients once per row (includes a column with a unique client ID). I created a drop-down column for each product with yes or no picklist.
Smartsheet B: Lists clients on many rows (includes a column with a unique client ID). I developed a formula to enter "Yes" IF the the row included the year 2023 AND used "X product"
I want a formula in Smartsheet A that will enter "Yes" for "X product" IF any row containing the Client ID in Smartsheet B has a "Yes".
For example, Client ID = 0001 may contain 10 rows on Smartsheet B. If only 1 row for that client has a "Yes" in "X product" column, I want a "Yes" in "X product" column on Smartsheet A.
Is there a formula that can do that for me?
I would expect the following output for Client-Product Tracking A:
0001: X-Product = Yes; Y-Product = No
0002: X-Product = No; Y-Product = Yes
0003: X-Product = Yes; Y-Product = Yes
0004: X-Product = No; Y-Product = Yes
0005: X-Product = Yes; Y-Product = No
0006: X-Product = No; Y-Product = Yes
0007-0010: 0005: X-Product = No; Y-Product = No