

Connect with peers across Federal, State, and Local government to share Smartsheet and Smartsheet Gov solutions, questions, ideas, and best practices that will enable your agency to work better, at scale.

👋 Welcome! Introduce yourself and connect with your peers in Government to receive your industry badge.


Hi, I'm Jacque. Here's my story….

Where do you work and what’s your department/role?

  • I work for DOTComm: Douglas Omaha Technology Commission. We are a non-profit quasi-government organization that provides various IT support/services to Douglas County, Nebraska, which includes Omaha. (I'm from the area that was recently in the news for our plethora of tornados last Friday. )
  • I am the manager of our Service Management team. I previously managed our Service Desk, Desktop Support, and Asset Management team.

How long have you been using Smartsheet or Smartsheet Gov?

  • I introduced Smartsheet to my current organization about 4 ½ years ago, but I have been using It since 2015 when I helped roll it out at eBay and PayPal.

How are you using Smartsheet or Smartsheet Gov today or planning to in the future?

  • Our PMO uses it for Project Management. I personally use it more for forms and workflow. I have made it my “life’s mission” to get rid of paper. “ 😊

What else would you like to learn from your peers in government?

Two things:

Has anyone integrated Smartsheet with their IT ticketing system?

Would love to be pointed to success stories about replacing “paper” processes in local government!


