How to see only the lowest level tasks in Card View (i.e. how not to see any parent tasks)

Is it possible to view only the lowest level tasks in a roll-up no matter what level they are? The level selection only allows me to view one level at a time.

In other words, one task roll-up may have 3 levels and another one may have 5 levels. How can I see all of the level 3's and all of the level 5's and see none of the parents.



  • Monique Odom-Stearn
    Monique Odom-Stearn Community Champion

    Hello @JackieBGCC!

    For this one, I would recommend creating a helper column to identify the lowest level rows. Then you can use that column to filter a report and switch the report to card view. This should give you what you're looking for!

    For the helper column, you could use a column formula that counts how many children each row has and then filter the report to only show the ones that have 0.

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    Monique Odom-Stearn

    Architecture Solutions Manager

    Smartsheet Leader & Community Champion

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