"Has any of" vs "Has all of"

MarkCep ✭✭✭✭✭

When filtering a report, what is the difference between the option of "has any of" vs "Has all of"?



  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion

    Has any of looks to see if any of the options are there before filtering the rest. Where has all of checks that the field Has every option before showing it.

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  • MarkCep
    MarkCep ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Mark.poole thank you for the info, but I am trying to put my brain around what you are saying and it is not making sense. Here's my deal, I have a report with 5 filters , one of the filters is for a contact column (Project Manager) there are 8 PM's available, I am filtering for only 1, do I use any or all?

    I will be using the "current user" as well for another version of the report- do I use ANY or ALL?

    I feel like an idiot not grasping this.

    I also could not find any documentation regarding this question in SS help.

  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion

    just do a filter for is one of and pick the name you want

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