How do I change the columns I can "view by" in card view?

I am trying to sort in card view based on the employee(s) assigned to a task. I have a contact list column with this information in GridView. The "view by" feature shows a ton of columns that aren't relevant to how i want to sort but I can't figure out how to switch them out for more columns that are more relevant to my needs. Is this possible?

Best Answer

  • PCG Sam Harwart
    PCG Sam Harwart ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @ktcran ,

    To enable card view for a contact column, you won't be able to use multi-select. Smartsheet reflects data from a row in a single card, so it can't place cards into multiple columns as it would if multi-select was allowed.


    - | Smartsheet's 2023 Partner of the Year for North America
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  • PCG Sam Harwart
    PCG Sam Harwart ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @ktcran ,

    To enable card view for a contact column, you won't be able to use multi-select. Smartsheet reflects data from a row in a single card, so it can't place cards into multiple columns as it would if multi-select was allowed.


    - | Smartsheet's 2023 Partner of the Year for North America
    Want to chat about a Smartsheet problem you're facing? Grab time on my calendar here: Schedule a Discovery Call!