I need to generate a report

edited 05/13/24 in Formulas and Functions

Hi All, Myself vinoth, Im working on a manufacturing company which has three departments,
i have total four sheets which is Main sheet, Pre sheet, foundry sheet, post sheet, each sheet has his own data like section status and their plan date, target etc, totally around 10-15 columns remain same for all the four sheets, we will be giving input & Attachment to mainsheet and linking those datas for other 3, now i want to generate a report from Post sheet and i want to see the attachements also from the mainsheet, how do i do that.? please help i really need this.

Best Answer


  • Jason P
    Jason P ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @vstr88889

    A report will only show columns from Primary, set as the first column on all new sheets onwards, the area between row number and Primary column (or first if you move it) are default type and will not show in a report. - this is the area you want.

    Could you place the report/s on a Dashboard and set the Widget behaviour to link to the sheet? this would allow users to then click to view attachments directly from the sheet, would that work for you?


  • Thanks for the reply, Exactly that's what i want, but if i generate a report on dashboard and set widget behaviour it just opens overall sheet, each sheet contains around 150 projects details, if i click the particular row it should take to the same project in mastersheet where i can access the attachments is that possible or any other way.?

  • Jason P
    Jason P ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Not possible to go to row directly, only the sheet.


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