Information from online form is not populating into spreadsheet

edited 05/13/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I have three forms all tied to one spreadsheet. None of the information submitted on the forms is populating into the spreadsheet. As you can see from the screenshot, there are 7 submissions in French, 7 in the Polish and 394 in the last one.

I made the forms inactive because the nomination period is over. When they were active the information still did not populate into the spreadsheet.

Help! I've never had this issue before.

Best Answer

  • Jason P
    Jason P ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    HI @nortiz

    Form cannot exist unless there's a sheet? Odd.. Start with the basics. Are entries at the bottom of the sheet? (option in form settings to place at bottom) Are column/sheet font colour set to black? Is there an automation that send rows to another sheet?



  • Jason P
    Jason P ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    HI @nortiz

    Form cannot exist unless there's a sheet? Odd.. Start with the basics. Are entries at the bottom of the sheet? (option in form settings to place at bottom) Are column/sheet font colour set to black? Is there an automation that send rows to another sheet?


  • OMG Jason P, the entries where at the bottom of the sheet. I have NO idea how that happened, I have never had this happen before. I must have set something up strangely but I can't recall how :) In any case, the entries are there. Thank you for helping me, I feel so silly now.