PDF Builder Removing Hyperlinks from Upload PDF Document

I have uploaded a PDF document that has hyperlink to PDF Document Builder and it has removed my hyperlinks. When I download the PDF document from Smartsheets that now has the data entered I need from the sheet, the hyperlinks within my document are no longer active. What am I doing wrong?


  • I have this same question. Can anyone help?

  • Hi @Ariel M.H. & @burneyallent

    Document Builder should preserve the hyperlinks that are already a part of your specific fillable PDF before the file is used in Document Builder. After the data has been generated using the row content, those hyperlinks should still be accessible in the file.

    If this is not what you're seeing, please contact Smartsheet Support with a screen recording that shows the hyperlinks in the PDF before, the Document Builder set-up, and what happens to the document after generation. It would also be helpful for them to have a version of the PDF to test on.

    Thank you,

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