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SUMIF Returning $0

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have a "Status" column with dropdown options of "Pending" and "Accepted". I have a second column (CAR Amount) with a dollar amount in each cell. 

I want to sum the amount of all rows marked "Pending" and then do the same thing with all rows marked "Accepted". 

I have tried: =SUMIF([Status]1:[Status]64, "Pending", [CAR Amount]1:[CAR Amount]64)

as well as 

=SUMIF([Status:]1:[Status:]64, FIND("Pending", @cell) > 0, [CAR Amount]1:[CAR Amount]64)

with no luck. I keep getting $0 returned. Any help? Thanks.


  • I think the problem is with your 'FIND' command. .  it should read like. .. 

    SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria_value1, criteria_range2, criteria_value2...)

    (if you do a search for Smartsheet Formula Examples there is a file that contains examples of most of the formulas you can do in SmartSheet).

    Hope this helps!

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    This was answered in a different thread.

    The column being summed was a Date column. Changing to Text/ Number fixed it.


This discussion has been closed.