User associated with another account

I am trying to change one of our licensed user's email address… think to It gives me the message that JJones@is already associated with another Smartsheet account. How can we tell who is "managing" this account right now? We do have some partner companies that could have added her, but I'm wondering if there is a way for a user to log in and see that? I checked my own account, but can't find that info.


  • MMcLain
    MMcLain ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/31/24


    I had similiar experiences when user's corporate profile was created incorrectly (one email address) which was later corrected (a new email address). If the same person owns both email addresses/accounts, the primary email address is "managing the account". Please ask the member to delete one of the email addresses.

    The following is available somewhere in the community or the U, for your convenience, I have pasted the steps here. Good luck!


    If you receive the "already associated…" error described here, you can free up the email address.

    To free up an email address:  

    This process will take a few minutes. Before you get started, you’ll need access to an email address that isn't in use with any Smartsheet account.

    Part 1: Add a third email address to the account from which you want merge sheets

    1. Log in to Smartsheet using the email address that you were attempting to associate with an account when you received the "...can't add" error message.
    2. Click Account > Personal Settings > Profile and click the Manage Email Addresses link.
    3. From Manage Email Addresses, click Add Email Address, and add the third email address—the one that's not currently used anywhere in Smartsheet.
      You’ll receive a “Please check your email inbox…” message.

    Part 2: Make the third email address the primary for the account

    Now, make the new email address the primary and remove the address that you want to merge with the other account.

    1. Open the email message with the subject “Smartsheet Account Change Request.”
    2. In the message, click the Confirm Email button to accept the invitation to join that email alias to the Smartsheet account.
      You’ll receive a message that reads “Confirmed! The alternate email address <address> has been added to your account.”
    3. Click the Launch Smartsheet button to return to your account.
    4. In Smartsheet, click Account > Personal Settings > Profile and click the Manage Email Addresses link.
    5. From Manage Email Addresses, click Add Email Address, and click Make Primary to make the third address the primary address associated with the account.
    6. Log out of Smartsheet.

    Part 3: Free up the email address that you want to use in the other account

    Now that you've changed the primary address, you can remove the email address you'd like to use in the other account (the account that you were using when you received the "can't add..." error message).

    1. Log back into Smartsheet, using the third email address as your login.
    2. Click Account > Personal Settings > Profile and click Manage Email Addresses.
    3. Remove the email address you'd like to use in the other account. (Click the X to the right of the email address.)
    4. Log out and then log back into the account that you want to use the email address in (the account that you were using when you received the  "can't add..." error).
    5. Add the desired email address (Click Account > Personal Settings > Profile and click Manage Email Addresses.)

    Congratulations, that was a lot of steps. If all went well, here’s what you should see:

    • The desired email address is listed in the Manage Email Addresses box of the desired account.
    • All items shared to the email address that you added are available from the new (target) account.