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Formula to Select Multiple Dropdown Options using Two-Column Criteria


I am looking to be able to auto-populate the pending permits based on the empty date cells where we input our received dates.

I currently have to manually choose what permits are missing, but am hoping there is a formula I can use to show both missing permits. Below is what it currently looks like and after that is what I'd like it to look like using a formula to generate the two permits missing on the row in the same cell.

I may need to add in a third if missing a Special Permit.


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  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    =IF([Town Pole]@row <>"","Town Pole Permit")+" "+IF([State Pole]@row <>"","State Pole Permit")+" "+IF(And([Special Permits]@row<>"",[Special Permits]@row<>"N/A"),"Special Permit")

    There is no functionality to use a multi select option in a formula. How ever you can do text.

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  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓


    =IF([Town Pole]@row <>"","Town Pole Permit")+" "+IF([State Pole]@row <>"","State Pole Permit")+" "+IF(And([Special Permits]@row<>"",[Special Permits]@row<>"N/A"),"Special Permit")

    There is no functionality to use a multi select option in a formula. How ever you can do text.

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  • edited 05/30/24

    That worked! I tweaked it a bit and got rid of the "AND" where I don't want to count the N/A and the additional Special Permits section. I never would have gotten that one. Thank you!

  • Community Champion

    your very welcome. I did the special permits part just in case you wanted to add that into it maybe at a later point.

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