Removing a user - still showing in dropdown

Hi all!

Quick question, I removed a user from our account but the name still pops up in the dropdown for one of the columns in our sheets. How can I remove that? Or will it just stay there although the user is removed?


Best Answer

  • eliweitz
    eliweitz ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @laura.sandoval,

    Hope all is well with you! Based on what you're describing, there's a possibility that they might be residually cached in the system, or could be a part of the limited list values of the contact list. In the column referenced, is it set to "Restrict to list values," and the account in question is still a part of the list (see image below)?

    It could be as simple as removing them from the given list. Otherwise, it could be a laggy delay of clear-outs. If the contact is in any other cells within the sheet, those might need to as well be retroactively removed.


  • eliweitz
    eliweitz ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hey @laura.sandoval,

    Hope all is well with you! Based on what you're describing, there's a possibility that they might be residually cached in the system, or could be a part of the limited list values of the contact list. In the column referenced, is it set to "Restrict to list values," and the account in question is still a part of the list (see image below)?

    It could be as simple as removing them from the given list. Otherwise, it could be a laggy delay of clear-outs. If the contact is in any other cells within the sheet, those might need to as well be retroactively removed.

  • Ohhh I see ok thank you! This was helpful! @eliweitz