Approval Workflow

I'm trying to create an approval workflow. The person managing this worksheet currently does not have a Smartsheet License. Therefore, cannot go into Manage Workflow to run the notification. I'm trying to create a checkbox to send to the approver. We have 3 approvers that we need to send to. Is there a way to do this?

Let's say approver 2 is not getting the notification or we need to send it to them again to approve. I tried doing a condition, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • Devin Lee
    Devin Lee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Create a request approval that triggers on a frequency. For example, I have one that triggers every Wednesday at 10 AM. The condition should be that the checkbox is checked and the approval is either blank or Submitted.

    The nice part of setting it up this was is you can bundle all the requests so you are not spamming the approver with emails. You can also ask them what time and how often they want to receive the reminders. In my case, it's an hour before their weekly meeting where the requests will be talked about so it's high on their priority to complete.


  • Devin Lee
    Devin Lee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Create a request approval that triggers on a frequency. For example, I have one that triggers every Wednesday at 10 AM. The condition should be that the checkbox is checked and the approval is either blank or Submitted.

    The nice part of setting it up this was is you can bundle all the requests so you are not spamming the approver with emails. You can also ask them what time and how often they want to receive the reminders. In my case, it's an hour before their weekly meeting where the requests will be talked about so it's high on their priority to complete.

  • Thank you so much for your input. I added this and this process seems to work!