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Uploading large excel sheet

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Yes, I read the blog posts from 2016/2017. 

I tried loading a sheet with 32 columns and received an error message indicating I had over 200 columns.  In my opinion, the error message is misleading. Submitted this to SmartSheet support.

Just wondering if anyone else is having an issue of this nature.



  • Shaine Greenwood


    The best way to get around this error is to spit the excel workbook up such that each sheet in the workbook is in its own .xlsx file, then try importing them one at a time into Smartsheet.

    This can tell you which sheet in the workbook that that high number of columns. Even unused cells in the workbook that have formatting in them are counted when importing them into Smartsheet.

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