Unable to link to a date from one sheet to another

This discussion was created from comments split from: Why can't I link to a date from one sheet to another?.


  • Summer M
    Summer M ✭✭
    edited 06/06/24

    Editing to update:

    I found the solution - the sheet I was linking start/duration from had the duration field as a Text/Number type, not Duration type. Once I changed the field type, the main sheet I was trying to get Finish populated for was able to recognize the duration and auto-calculate Finish.

    I also have this problem and thought to use the start date and duration links, too, but it won't calculate my finish date even after pulling in start and duration - what can I do? I can try to use a formula but can't get one to work either because the finish field is a date format. I'm working in a larger plan and pulling in dates/% complete for a certain subset of tasks from a separate sheet so I cannot change the column properties/type either.
