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Remove CTRL+SHIFT+B shortcut so that it doesn't collide with Chrome

I use Chrome on Windows 11. CTRL+SHIFT+B in Smartsheet apparently is a shortcut for bolding text. This directly interferes with Chrome, where the same keystrokes are used to hide the bookmarks bar.

Use case: I have Smartsheet open in Chrome to discuss a list of items with a client. Right before I start to share my screen, I use CTRL+SHIFT+B to hide my bookmarks and it doesn't work (I do see the B toggling in Smartsheet though)! Yikes, I don't want my client to see my bookmarks because they contain sensitive names. I have to switch to another Chrome window that does not have Smartsheet for the shortcut to work.

Frequency: Daily because I use Smartsheet for external client discussions

Pain level: High because I'm a keyboard user and don't really think about it. This creates friction to an otherwise easy peasy process that doesn't require significant cognitive load. It also breaks core functionality in Chrome.

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