Forms are not sending a copy to my email

I used to have the option to send a copy of my responses to my email. However, the function is not working even when placing the email in the send response to my email. Any ideas? I have checked my SPAM and email filters no luck.

Hilary Erickson, State of Colorado Smart Sheet User


  • Vince Darrigo
    Vince Darrigo ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @herickson that's weird! Just to confirm, you mean you enter your email in here at the bottom of a form, and it just never shows up in your email? Have you tried entering somebody else's email in there (or a personal email of yours, any 2nd email?) Do others use this feature without an issue? Are you the creator of the form or just a user?

    If it's not a sensitive form I would love to throw one in as a test and see what happens for me (or give you my personal email to throw in there with some bogus form data) but you could test that yourself just as easily.

  • herickson
    herickson ✭✭
    edited 06/10/24

    Yes, that is the email field, I am the creator and it still shows up I filled it in with the normal email I had been using. But it's not showing. I think I will try another email address and see if it shows up. Good Idea. I will let you know. I had been working excellently up until recently?

    Hilary Erickson, State of Colorado Smart Sheet User