DataMesh Issue

Vanessa5 ✭✭✭
edited 06/10/24 in Add Ons and Integrations

I am having an issue with getting Datamesh to run on it's on. I have my source sheets set to update every day at 7am through the use of Business Objects. I have datamesh execution frequency set to update immediately. However, when I go to look at my target sheet, the columns are not updating with the newest information from my source sheets (hence, there are a lot of empty cells). I will then manually run the data mesh's that I have set up and it will run and pull over the information that is needed. How do I get Data mesh to pull over the info automatically? I have data mesh options set to the below.

Overwrite Existing Data in Target Sheet(s): No

Duplicates in Source Sheet: Pick 1st Match

Data Mapping Format: Copy Data

Execution Frequency: Update Immediately


  • Vince Darrigo
    Vince Darrigo ✭✭✭✭

    @Vanessa5 Is the goal only to have Datamesh execute once a day (following the 7am update of your source sheets) or do you also need immediate updates throughout the day? I am not familiar with the Business Objects part of your message (would love more information out of curiosity!) but it sounds like the B.O. interaction is not being considered as an update to your source sheet.

    If you only need the datamesh to run once a day based on those 7am changes, you could put a (useless otherwise) checkbox column in your source and set an hourly automation (at say 7am and 8am) where at 7am it checks all of the boxes, and at 8am it unchecks them. Those changes would trigger the update via datamesh.

    This may or may not be the best solution (depending on when else (besides 7am) you'd need the immediate datameshing throughout the day). I would love to see a screensnip/know more about the Business Objects part of your setup. I hope this helps!

  • Vanessa5
    Vanessa5 ✭✭✭

    Yes the goal is to update once a day. At 7am the report built in B.O will download to BOX and then from BOX to my source sheet. When there is new data added to the report, it will transfer over ever morning at 7am. I am going to try your suggestion of adding the checkboxes to get the date to trigger the datamesh. I will let you know if this ends up working. Thank you.

  • Vanessa5
    Vanessa5 ✭✭✭

    This seems to have fixed the issue I was having, thank you! I did not realize that my business objects report is not an actual update to the data source and that is why it was not triggering the datamesh.