Any recommendations for conversation export with a project to Excel


I am exporting a project that has a WBS column and would like to include the conversation. This currently exports to a separate tab in Excel but there is a disconnect between the reference conversation line item and the first tab where the row information exports. It typically shows one row off from the actual reference. For example, Tab one has row information on line item 2, but the conversation reference on the next tab show line item 1. This confuses the recipient of the exported sheet. Any recommendations for how I could have the conversation reference the actual WBS item or at least the right row information line item?

Thanks! Mary


  • Brian_Richardson
    Brian_Richardson Overachievers Alumni
    edited 06/14/24

    I'd include a Row Number column in your sheet. The row numbers in Excel are shifted because Smartsheet Row 1 is the start of data, but Excel Row 1 is the headers.

    You can add a Row Number column to your data sheet by adding two columns:

    • Add an Autonumber column to the sheet called Auto. If you already have an Autonumber column, that's fine that will work too.
    • Add a Text/number column to the sheet called Row Number. In a cell on that column enter the following formula and then right click and Convert to Column Formula. =MATCH(Auto:Auto,Auto@row)

    When you save the sheet, you'll see the Autonumber populate and the Row Number column will show the actual row number.

    I'd also put the Row Number column to the far left. Now when you export your sheet, the Row Number will show up for people to reference when looking at comments.

    There's not a way to include the WBS column in the chat tab as a reference, unfortunately.