Column Type - Dropdown list and Formula


Is it possible to have column type as a dropdown list and a formula together?

I tried it but it shows that I still have the dropdown list after I've converted the column into formula however I no longer have the option to use the dropdown list. See below for screenshots.

I currently have the Created Date column in effect so when I enter a new row, what I would like to happen is to have the Created Date column offset the "Status" column as "Open". However, I would still like to have the dropdown list available since the "Closed" option needs to be manually done when the task is completed for each row.

Having the formula for the column seems to remove the dropdown option but it is still showing in the Column's properties so I'm thinking if having these two options simultaneously occur is possible?

Thank you in advance.

Formula is: =IF(ISDATE([Created Date]@row), "Open", "")


  • @rmiro No, You cannot have both.

    However, the column formula should be enough for you to make a default line to "Open" until some conditions are met.

    Refer to the screenshot below:

    For status 1, I have the formula set as =IF([% Complete]@row = 1, "Closed", "Open").

    That means when you insert a new line to sheet and enter a value in primary column, the "Status1" changes to Open unless you meet the condition of "100%" %complete.

    Hope that makes sense.

  • @SafalARYAL thank you for the idea! I will try that.