Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Metric Widget on Dashboard not pulling symbol anymore


I am hoping someone can help me to understand why I am getting an error now with my metric widgets in on a dashboard. Previously I was pulling a sheet summary into a metric widget that would show a "symbol" on the dashboard. Now it is showing an image error symbol and not pulling this through to the dashboard properly as it did before.

Anyone have thoughts to why this is not working any longer? Nothing was changed in the formulas or the way the sheets and dashboards were set up.


  • Community Champion

    From my experience, broken links can occur when there are global updates or data shuffles. I will try and relink the image.

    Leroy Noriega | Smartsheet SME | Independent Smartsheet Consultant

    Core App, Project Management and System Administrator Certified🏅

    E: | Linkedin Profile

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