How can I calculate total hours by project but not repeat the formula in every row that matches?

Hello, I found a question from 2021 that had been answered with a formula, so I gave that a try for my sheet. It works, but I'm getting the sum on every row that has a matching project ID. How can I just get the sum once for each project so that I can run a report and show these totals?

This is the formulas that I used based on the older thread:

=IFERROR(IF([Project Hours]@row = 0, "", SUMIFS([Project Hours]:[Project Hours], [Project ID]:[Project ID], [Project ID]@row)), "")

There's over 4,000 entries in this sheet, so I don't want to have to manually note each project's total hours. I'm sure there is a solution, I just don't know what it is!

Thanks for your help! Colleen

Best Answer

  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/02/24 Answer ✓

    Hello @Colleen Jones,

    If your goal is to show this in a report you don't actually need the formula in the Sheet.

    Simply make a report and group it by Project ID and then add a Summary field to SUM the Project Hours columns.

    Hope this helps!

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

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