Publish sheet so that everyone can view it but only team members can edit

Is it possible to publish a sheet so that everyone can view it but only team members edit?
This would be useful because then there would be only one link to share with both viewers and eligible editors.
From what i found a major problem with view only links are that a team member has no way to login and edit the sheet. The problem with editable by team member links is that no one can view them apart from logged in team members.
If it is not yet possible would this be something that could be considered for the roadmap?


  • Zachary Ziegler
    Zachary Ziegler ✭✭✭✭✭

    You can always just add the edit permissions on the sheet level so that people who you whitelist as being on your team will have access to edit whether the sheet is viewed through a view-only link or an editable link. In your sheet, click the Share button, click Sheet, and ensure that your team in its entirety is listed under Collaborators, and that they have edit access. Then, you can share the View-Only link and if they are logged into their Smartsheet accounts, they should still retain edit access. In the example below, I gave my team admin access so they can make changes as necessary.

  • Thank you for your fast reply.

    I tried to replicate your suggestion but ran into a problem.
    If i click on Share→Sheet→Copy Link only collaborators that i invited before can access the link and it is not publicly available.

    If i click on publish→Read Only (either HTML or Full) everyone can freely access the sheet but my editors can not edit the sheet or login directly from the view only sheet.
    They of course could login regularly and then find the sheet in the respective folder and access it from there but this is a rather complicated workflow.

    Ideally i would like to have the ability to embed a sheet or share links to the sheet and enable people with the necessary permissions to edit it directly while everyone else can only view it. (This is how it works e.g. with Google Sheets)

  • Zachary Ziegler
    Zachary Ziegler ✭✭✭✭✭

    If you are strictly speaking about the Publish feature, it would appear that SmartSheet does not support the ability to manage permissions on that level then since the only available options are Read Only or Editable By Anyone with no apparent in-between. This use case would make a good feature request though!

  • It does not necessarily have to be achieved with the publishing feature. Is there another way to share a view-only link that everyone can access + my editors can edit that i have been missing?