Automating Monthly Generation of Multiple Reports


Hello Smartsheeters! I have 14 reports that pull data from a master sheet that we need to report to an Important Entity each month. I'm hoping I can get out of the routine I have now, which is to save the batch of the prior month's reports as new and manually update the date parameters and the title for all 14 reports. For example, say I have a report called May Elephants that is pulling all the Elephants that were fed peanuts in May. I need to do the same for June, July, August… . Instead of updating these reports manually each month, is there a way to automate the process so May Elephants turns itself into June Elephants, June to July, etc.? There's a major caveat to this: We have to keep each month's reports in case there's a question about how the data was generated. (Slim chance, but possible.) Thank you!